
Senin, 07 Maret 2016


            What is euphemism? Euphemism is a mild word or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive.  For example, rest room for toilet, lady of the evening for prostitute.
            Types of Euphemisms:
1.         Euphemisms to soften an expression - Some euphemisms are used to make a blunt or obnoxious truth seem less hard.
-            Passed away instead of died
-            Letting someone go instead of firing someone
-            On the streets instead of homeless
2.         Euphemisms to be Polite - Some euphemisms are used to take the place of words or phrases one might not want to say in polite circle.
-            Adult beverages instead of beer or liquor
-            Big-boned instead of heavy or overweight
-            Vertically-challenged instead of short
-            Economical with the truth instead of liar
3.         Euphemisms to be Impolite - euphemisms are intentionally a callous or insensitive way of saying something. These euphemisms are usually used when being sarcastic or trying to make light of a serious subject or make it seem less serious.
-            Bit the dust instead of died
-            Blow chunks instead of vomited
-            Bit the farm instead of died
            Why are we studied euphemism? We studied euphemism to not offend or hurt someone with honest intentions.
            Who is expert of euphemism?

Joseph M. Williams. He says “Euphemisms are formed when unpleasant elements of response attach themselves strongly to particular word. One then substitutes another word free of negative associations.

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