
Minggu, 22 Mei 2016


What is simile? Simile is a figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, the word simile means “like” or “as”. Therefore, it is a direct comparison. Why we used simile ?

1.          To create humorous moments or tender moments.
2.        To enable the reader to imagine in his mind what the writer is saying.
3.        To bring something different to story and character, something that differs from straightforward narration.
Where we used simile?
1.        When the association is stated either implicitly or explicitly.
2.         A way that leaves the reader in no doubt of what the author is trying to convey or, in some instances, the author may prefer to use a simile which can be open to interpretation by the reader.
3.       Stereotypically over the years to become part of everyday speech.
Types of simile :
1.       The first type of simile simply tries to invoke some genuine quality of a real object through reference to another object.
2.        The second type does the same thing, but invokes non-existent objects that people are nonetheless familiar with.
3.        The third type of simile intends to reference the object or quality only vaguely or slightly to anything, and is instead a satire, or a play with language for its own sake.


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